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LURPA > Manifestations > Séminaire du laboratoire

Axomatic Design : teaching and applications in industry and education

le 21 janvier 2013

Professeur Christopher BROWN

Professeur Christopher BROWN

Le Professeur Christopher BROWN du Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA) présentera, dans le cadre des séminaires du LURPA, la pratique de l'Axiomatic Design  dans le monde industriel.

Axiomatic Design provides a systematic, scientific approach to design, that includes critical, quantitative methods for evaluating designs.  The theory of Axiomatic Design will be reviewed.  The basic assertion is that the best design will:
  1. maximize the independence of the functional elements;
  2. minimize the information.  These are the axioms.

In order to apply these axioms rigorously the design needs to be structured to include functional and physical domains.  Within each domain there are corresponding hierarchal decompositions from general to specific.  Compliance with axiom can be assessed with an interaction matrix of the physical and functional elements. Compliance with axiom two can be determined by assessing the probability that the elements of the physical domain will be successful in fulfilling the elements of the functional domain.

The issues that arise in teaching axiomatic design will be examined, especially in the context of how to teach students to use axiomatic design effectively and quickly.  The application of axiomatic design is divided into three elements: the axioms, the structures, and the algorithm.  The use of axiomatic design in student projects and introducing it to industry design groups will be discussed.
Type :
Séminaires - conférences
Lieu(x) :
Campus de Cachan
Amphi 121 - Bâtiment Léonard de Vinci

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