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LURPA > Manifestations > Sûreté de Fonctionnement

11/03/2016 : deux exposés : Auto-diagnostic des fautes et restauration des services dans un environnement NFV/SDN / System Modeling and Availability Analysis based on the FOCUS Modeling Theory

le 11 mars 2016
à 14h

14h - Auto-diagnostic des fautes et restauration des services dans un environnement NFV/SDN - José Sanchez (Orange) 15h - System Modeling and Availability Analysis based on the FOCUS Modeling Theory - Andréas Wogelsang (TU, Münich)

Exposé (14h)
  • Titre : Auto-diagnostic des fautes et restauration des services dans un environnement NFV/SDN
  • Intervenant : José Sanchez (Orange)

Résumé :

Exposé (15h)
  • Titre : System Modeling and Availability Analysis based on the FOCUS Modeling Theory
  • Intervenant : Andréas Wogelsang (TU, Münich)
The development of software-intensive systems, especially in the context of technical systems, demands a rigorous specification of the desired behavior and the interaction between software and the surrounding technical system. For complex systems, this is almost only possible by the use of appropriate models. That means that the development of complex systems is largely related to the development of appropriate models and their relations to each other. In this talk we introduce FOCUS, a general system modeling theory that describes a (discrete) system as a function that consumes streams of input messages and produces streams of output messages. This stream-processing function is characterized by an interface that defines the messages that can be received and sent by a system and also defines the system's behavior in terms of logical relations between input and output messages.Based on FOCUS, we introduce four architectural views (requirements, functions, logical components, and technical components) that describe the system's behavior and structure from different viewpoints that correspond to different phases during the development.Additionally, we show how these architectural views can be extended to integrate faulty and fault-tolerant behavior, and we show how the models can then be used to perform an automated availability analysis of the system.
Lieu(x) :
Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines
Campus des Sciences
Salle à préciser

45 avenue des Etats-Unis
78035 Versailles

Parking possible au parking P2 de l'Université

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